Inspired by the beauty and vastness of the universe, the band Alpha Trianguli starts its journey into the infinity of sound worlds.

Motivated by the curiosity of the four musicians to let themselves fall and be carried away, the band sounds sometimes earthy and energetic - as if approaching a planet - sometimes calm, floating, wondering.

At the same time, the interplay of the Vienna-based quartet gives the impression that it is a micro-cosmos itself: Around the gravitational field of the double bass, its attracting and driving force, the rhythms of the drums circulate and provide pulse and periodicity.

The magical, wide sound of the vibraphone fills the spaces created by the interplay, sparkling like the sublime firmament.

From it the earthly, warm tone of the trombone resounds like a voice, into space, as it were, like a wake-up call to the audience. For while the destinations of the quartet's journey lie in the unknown, the necessary direction of our everyday activity has long been known.

In the end of 2023, ALPHA TRIANGULI released their first album called „Entering Zero Gravity at the Swiss label Unit Records. The program of the same name has already been presented in numerous concerts in Austria, Germany and the USA.

Alois Eberl: Trombone
Florian Klinger: Vibraphone
Philipp Kienberger: Bass
Jakob Kammerer: Drums

alphatrianguli crew